Satellite imagery analysis - Pribytki Air Base, Pribytki, Gomel Oblast, Belarus (7JAN2023)
Today we would like to look at the Pribytki Air Base in Belarus, which houses Russian air defence assets.
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to share the imagery openly, so it is only available to paid subscribers (Sorry, this is not our policy but that of the imagery provider). Here is the write-up.
Imagery acquired 07 JAN shows the eastern early warning/battle management radar platform still under construction. A setting up of a new platform is also visible compared to imagery acquired 19 DEC.
The two western platforms are fully operational and can probably be utilised at short notice, despite a small number of tire tracks in this base area.
Fresh tire tracks and working engineering vehicles suggest further expansion of the
S-300 system infrastructure at the air base.
There are new air defence reload packs in the northern part of the air base. However, the lack of coverage in the previous image does not allow us to fully determine the scope of Russian air defence presence in this part of the base on 19 DEC. On the other hand, tire tracks in this area confirmed some military presence.